Care instruction

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Care Instruction

We suggest tat customers could be follow these care instruction and to ensure, through their own testing procedures, the performance of this zipper in their actual application.



Avoid ironing. It may flatten the film and cause the film to melt. If ironing necessary, the temperature need below 80℃ and use thin cloth (color white) as insulation when operating.

***ironing at steam or high temperature will lead to the film peeling off ***



To avoid damaging the film, the water repellent zipper have to be zipped when washing. Do not use high water temperature (not exceeding 30℃). Do not tumble dry. Natural drying is recommended.



The condition may be different from that of the garment shell fabric. Recommend customer to do own testing in advance for confirmation.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays may lead minimal color change, but this will not effect the performance of the film and zipper. Avoid application with extreme color white shell fabric where it will also be easily contaminated.

Avoid application where water repellent zipper will come into contact with PVC, PU….material in which chemical reaction may occur to lead minimal confirmation. Or suggest to use insulation cloth when sewing procedure if necessary.


***When color Red or color Black water repellent zippers sewing on extreme color white garment shell fabric, especially shell fabric is of PU coating, insulation cloth must be used to avoid discoloration***


<Reminder when sewing on water repellent zipper>

Continuous high-speed sewing needle motion may generate heat energy, it may lead to the film adhering to the sewing needle which in turn happen minimal contamination with the shell fabric.


<Reminder when packaging of garment>

To avoid discoloration when tightly packed and folded garment under high temperature during garment transportation, recommend to use insulation tissue paper



Customers please follow the care instruction and proceed their own testing procedure with the water repellent zipper to ensure meeting their wen specific requirement. Please contact Lalano Zip representative for more details & advice.


2023年12月7日 11:31